Why are our reactions to Covid-19 unequal? A study by Andres Davila and Mathieu Molines

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“Our personality and psychological resources play a key role in managing the coronavirus crisis.

Accompanied by the start-up Praditus, Andrés DAVILA and Mathieu MOLINES, researchers at ESCE, have made available to the general public a specific diagnosis and support system. In only two weeks, 6,000 responses were collected in Europe (France, Germany, Italy) and in the United States.

The study is based on the Big Five theory that personality can be reduced to five major factors:

Openness to experience: curiosity, intrepidity, search for novelty

Emotional stability : ability to withstand stress and pressure, optimism

Conscientiousness: respect for rules, organization and standards

Extraversion: taste for social relations, energy to reach out to others

Agreeableness : ability to be tactful, diplomatic, caring

Forbes looks back at the first results of the study, which show variations in behavioral reactions related to the profile of the people surveyed.

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The work of Andrés DAVILA and Mathieu MOLINES at the Interdisciplinary Research Center of INSEEC U. is articulated around the axis “Societal Transitions and Emerging Behaviors” and at ESCE, focuses on innovative processes and emerging behaviors in a global environment.

Their study is part of the new Teaching and Research Chair on Human Transitions and Competencies – T.e.C.H

Updated 31 January 2022