Learn more about the governance of OMNES Education:
the Executive Chairman, the General Manager, the Managing Director, the members of the Supervisory Board, the members of the Academic Advisory Board & the International Advisory Board, the members of the Research Department and finally the members of the Schools Department.

José Milano
José MILANO graduated from the École Normale Supérieure de Paris SACLAY (ex. CACHAN) in economics and management in 1993. He is a graduate of Sciences po Paris and the University of Paris 1.
He began his career with the AXA Group, where he was Chief Learning Officer, COO and HR Director of AXA Group Solutions. He then became Director of Social Affairs for the French Insurance Federation, and then joined Kedge Business School, where he became Managing Director.
Recruited in November 2019 as Deputy CEO in charge of operations, he was named CEO of OMNES Education when the former CEO stepped down in January 2020. He became Executive Chairman in July 2023, when Mathias EMMERICH joined the Supervisory Board.
A graduate of the Ecole Supérieure Commerce de Paris (ESCP), Eric KEFF began his career in financial auditing at PriceWaterhouse and in operational internal audit at Thomson Multimedia. He then joined the Crown Holdings packaging group where he held positions as Business Unit and Divisional Finance Director. Following the acquisition of part of Crown Holdings by an investment fund, he became CFO of the newly created company (Global Closure Systems). Then joined Carambar & Co (food industry) as CFO.
CFO of OMNES Education since September 2019, he becomes Deputy CEO in January 2020.

It supports the strategic orientation and benefits from the presence of two professionals of international stature.

Mathias EMMERICH is an alumnus of the ENS St Cloud, Sciences Po Paris and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration. Having previously held the positions of Executive Vice President Performance of SNCF Mobilités (2015-2019) and Secretary General of Publicis Groupe (2009-2013), he brings to OMNES Education his extensive management experience in various service sectors, particularly in public interest missions, as well as his digital expertise. Mathias EMMERICH has a particular interest in the academic world and educational issues, both in terms of his initial training and his ever-renewed taste for human, economic and social sciences.
Engineer from Sup’Aéro and Doctor in Management Sciences from the University of Paris Dauphine, Bernard RAMANANTSOA was Dean of the Faculty and Research, then Director General of HEC for 20 years and member of several evaluation commissions (CEFDG, EQUIS) and development boards, in particular of the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, the École Navale and CEIBS in Shanghai. He received the Harvard Expansion Prize for Technology and Business Strategy (McGraw-Hill) and the Academy of Commercial Sciences Prize for Business Strategy and Diversification (Nathan). He recently published Learning and Daring and French Higher Education Across Borders: The Urgency of a Strategy.

They contribute to the creation of academic value and are chaired by personalities whose career has been dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge.

Pierre-André CHIAPPORI studied at the École Normale Supérieure and holds an agrégation in mathematics and a PhD in economics from the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne. He has been a lecturer at the EHESS and the École Polytechnique, director of research at the CNRS, and professor of economics at the ENSAE and the University of Chicago. He is now the E. Rowan and Barbara Steinschneider Chair in Economics at Columbia University and editor of the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, and the Review of Economis of Household and Foundations and Trends in Economic Theory. He is a member of the Research Council of the Becker-Friedman Institute for Research in Economics and a board member of the European Economic Association and joined the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 2019. A Monegasque, Pierre-André CHIAPPORI has been working with OMNES Education for the past 10 years to promote the Principality through the academic excellence of its international university.
Catherine KUSZLA has been a University Professor in Management Sciences since 2011. She has been the Director of the Center for Research and Studies on Organizations and Strategy (CEROS) at the University of Paris Nanterre from 2019 to the present. His research interests focus on the relationship between strategy, governance and control, particularly in the context of innovation processes. She is currently the leader of an interdisciplinary ANR project dedicated to the study of the viability and sustainability of responsible business models. Finally, she has always been keen to place her work in a transdisciplinary perspective and at the center of political, social, environmental, and of course economic concerns, by participating, for example, in a European H2020 project (DEFORM / Governance of research practices) or in the development of a partnership chair within the Dauphine Foundation.

Strongly involved in the design and implementation of OMNES Education’s global strategy, the school and program directors are characterized by a passion for transmission, teaching experience, disciplinary and sector expertise, and an entrepreneurial spirit. In line with the realities of business and the advances in management science and pedagogy research, the teams adapt or renew their training programs in depth to guarantee the success of their students.
Thomas ALLANIC, Director & Dean INSEEC Grande Ecole
Dr. Laurent BERGERUC, Director OMNES Education Bordeaux & Director MSc INSEEC
Dr. Christophe BOISSEAU, General Manager ESCE & Director BBA INSEEC & DEAN ESCE
Damien BEZANCON, Director OMNES Education Chambéry
Isabelle COLLIGNON, Director Sup Career Alternance
Dr. Carl CRAEN and Luc CRAEN, vice-President and Managing Directors EU Business School
Caroline GAUTIER, Director OMNES Education London
Laetitia HÉLOUET, Director HEIP & CEDS
René ENGELMANN, Director CRÉA Geneva
Marion FABRE, Director OMNES Education Lyon & Director Bachelor INSEEC
Dr. Guillaume GARNOTEL, Director MSc INSEEC Lyon
Ron MORRIS, Director OMNES Education San Francisco
Dr. Jean-Philippe MULLER, Director General & Dean International University of Monaco
Dr. Claire SOUVIGNÉ, Director of Bachelors, MSc INSEEC Paris
Anne-Françoise STASSER, Director of Sup de Pub & Sup de Création
François STEPHAN, General Manager & Dean ECE