“There was only one spot, and I went for it.”
Alumna | Sup de Pub
Program | Corporate and Institutional Communication
Graduated in 2011
City of residence | Paris
What made you progress as a student, and still does today?
Discovery! At home, at my parents’ house, there were always newspapers. I took interest in the tribune part; it allowed me to refine my ideas, to understand where my beliefs, my commitments and my values were. And then, when I see a summit coming, I tend to approach it from an angle; in my student life or personal life, that’s how I’ve always oriented my choices.
For the inveterate globetrotter, it was not enough to tread the soil of the world’s continents; as enthusiastic about the idea of grasping the planet’s stakes in earnest as she is about surveying the scope of advertising well beyond flashy slogans, Julie advocates for strategic communication that does not yield to the artifices of logorrhea nor logomania: “Being creative without caring about understanding our environment leads nowhere.” After her exemplary schooling, notwithstanding a year of law, she integrated Sup de Pub Paris on the advice of a friend. Impartial to the artistic aspect, Julie enjoyed geopolitical classes and their perennial implications, extracting much substance from their prose to feed her talents as a tactician — “knowing which lever to press depending on the circumstances is precisely what I find interesting.” Julie was able to distinguish herself by taking on life-size immersive case studies with ardor, which, for her school, are as much a trademark as a signature — “they are so deeply formative, so concrete.” Orienting the choice of her internships in the same way, she succeeded in imposing herself on the Science Po candidates to legitimately earn her presence within the political and institutional branch of the Havas agency: “It was a path not taken by others, but I like things that are niche.” After an experience at Paris City Hall and a university exchange in Sydney, in line with the customs and habits of a true Aussie mainlander, between a surfing session and a barbecue on the beach, Julie was able to deepen her knowledge on a more global level during a stopover in the great Down Under: “There was only one spot, and I went for it. Sup de Pub Paris also did me a favor by accepting that I take courses in political science and international relations, which did not fit in with my curriculum!”
After completing her master’s degree in corporate and institutional comms and tacking on a year in political and public communication, Julie quickly found a position tailored to her at the General Commission for Territorial Equality. Continuing as head of communications at French Tech and the Agence du Numérique which was “real intellectual gymnastics,” it was by following her intuition that she would seize “the opportunity of a lifetime.” There she was in the United Arab Emirates, as Director of Communications for the French Pavilion at the 2022 Dubai World Expo, where she would spend two years travelling far and near before settling in the Middle East for half a year. She gave it her all to juggle press relations daily, intervening in the “influence” and “digital” dimensions, accompanying programming choices while supervising the creation of a virtual exhibition. Invariably at ease when it comes to receiving the leaders of major French companies, institutional personalities, or even VIP visitors like astronaut Thomas Pesquet, she sometimes had to rub shoulders with more down-to-earth stars, influencers, and other divas. Julie would not miss out on the chance to create a retrospective exhibition for Jean Paul Gautier alongside her best friend who she met at Sup de Pub Paris, manager for the designer’s heritage collection: “It was through this kind of undertaking that I realized that from a decision-making position, you have the freedom to put what you think is right for a project into action.” The height of happiness for the travel lover, she has immersed herself in a kaleidoscope of codes from all landscapes, multiplying encounters à la “Erasmus”, discovering other landmarks and new habits within the richness of expatriation — “but the next one, in 2025 in Osaka, will be without me: I prefer moving to challenge myself.”
While solicitations from space or the cultural world may have presented themselves, now that her mission in the Arabian Peninsula is behind her, Julie is grounded and full of intent, knowing that no opportunity is purely heaven-sent: “When I speak at Sup de Pub Paris, I like to remind students that being good is not enough to build a career; because there are plenty of talented people! No one is irreplaceable, no one is waiting for you, you have to work hard and fight all the time without resting on your laurels. I’m the first to knock on doors! Rigor is as important as perseverance.” Given the atypicality of her trajectory outside the usual strata, whether planning a future trip to Nepal or maintaining her dream of creating a scuba diving school, it is by zigzagging through the lines that Julie draws this residual and driving force, leading her to both the peaks of mountains and into aquatic canyons.
Written portrait© Maison Trafalgar | Watercolor drawing © Maison Trafalgar & Camille Romanetto
Updated 18 October 2022